Contact Information

+421 903 510 519 If you are interested, you can contact us using the questionnaire.

Who we are?

The company Syncra, s.r.o. was established in November 2019 on the basis of market requirements, considering the changing climatic conditions and the demands of our current clients for a change in technology when growing current market commodities.

Through long-term practice and constant collection of information and visits to agricultural farms abroad that deal with these soil protection technologies of tillage, we have come to the conclusion that we have the opportunity to offer professional advice to Slovak farmers based on the practical information obtained.


Our Goals

Providing expert advice to farmers

Sales of No Till technology machines for the European market (general importer)

Provision of agricultural services in establishing and fertilizing stands

Establishment of stands with Strip Till, No Till technology

Company information

Company Headquarters Vajanského nábrežie 58/21
811 02 Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto
ID Number 52710416
TIN 2121126634
VAT SK2121126634
Enrolled Obchodný register Mestského súdu Bratislava III,
Oddiel: Sro Vložka číslo: 141502/B